in 147 words
" ... a violent play [...] Death, hybris and glory form a frame in which the unfathomable depths of human nature are explored. Combining both "Faust" and Machiavelli's "Il Principe", Macbeth's rise and fall are an allegory on modern politicians. [...] Written around 1606, the play has never lost its political significance."
Aufführung auf
dem Marburger Abend
am 23. Juni 1996
um 20.00Uhr
im KFZ - Schulstraße
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Dramatis Personæ
Zur Besetzungsliste
Duncan, Macbeth, Banquo, MacDuff, Lords, Malcom,
Lady Macbeth, Three Witches
Three Witches: When shall we three meet again? In thunder lightning or in rain?
[Enter Macbeth and Banquo]
All hail Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter, and Thane of Cawdor.
[Macbeth and Banquo both impressed; exeunt]
[Enter Duncan, Lords]
Duncan: The Norwegians are defeated. Macbeth has won. The traitor Cawdor is killed. And with his former title greet Macbeth!
Lords:Yes, oh, king. [Enter Macbeth and Banquo] Hail Thane of Cawdor!
Macbeth: [pleased] That's what the witches told me. [Banquo surprised; exeunt]
Lady Macbeth: [Enter Lady Macbeth, reading a letter] Macbeth be King? And Duncan comes here? Good!
[Diabolic grin; Enter Macbeth, then enter Duncan, Banquo]
Macbeth: Oh, worthy Duncan, be our guest.
Duncan: This castle is a nice and peaceful place. I'll be off to bed. Good night.
[Exeunt, Enter Duncan with nightcap, enter Macbeth, kills Duncan, takes crown, exit]
[Enter drunken porter]
Porter: Yeah, party's over, nose is red, and wine provokes lechery and urine.
[Opens door]
[Enter Lords and Macduff, they find Duncan]
Lords and MacDuff: Murder! Duncan is dead.
[Exeunt ; Enter Macbeth and Banquo]
Macbeth: Go to hell, thou knowest too much.
[Macbeth kills Banquo, enter Lady Macbeth]
Lady Macbeth: Now he's King, but, alas, he's crazy.
[Exit Lady Macbeth, dies offstage, enter Lords and MacDuff]
Lords: Let's kill Macbeth, the tyrant who killed our king!
Macbeth: No man of woman born will harm me!
MacDuff: Haha! I was born in a Caesarean. Away with you. [Kills him]
[Macbeth falls and dies. Malcom enters.]
Lords: Hail the new King of Scotland!
Bei der Uraufführung traten auf:
Three Witches - Christina Allert
Duncan - Jens Bischoff
Lords - Alexander Pawlak
Macbeth - Alexander Alldridge
Lady Macbeth - Heike Brahms
Porter - Matthias Bode
MacDuff - Tom Giese
Malcom war aus personellen Gründen nicht besetzt und deshalb
wurde MacDuff zum König gemacht.